On the COVID-19 Outbreak





 A. For Visa, Passport and Notarial Applicants

 A.1 Will the Embassy accept visa applications?

NO - All visa applications are hereby suspended until further notice. Further, all previously issued visas (primarily 9A temporary visitor/tourist visas) are deemed cancelled effective 0000H 22 March 2020, except those issued to the following:

·       Foreign government and international organization officials accredited to the Philippines; and

·       Foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals – should be traveling with Filipino national or have proof of marriage or Affiliation.

 A.2 I am a holder of a special visa issued by another Philippine government agency. Will I be allowed entry into the Philippines?

NO - Until further notice, special visas, those under visa waiver agreements, those falling under executive order No. 408 s.1960, and immigrant and non-immigrant visa holders (i.e. 13, 9D, 9F, 9G, 47a(2), etc.) shall not be allowed entry starting 0000H 22 March 2020, except:

·       Foreign government and international organization officials accredited to the Philippines

·       Foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals – should be traveling with Filipino national or have proof of marriage or affiliation; and

·       Foreign crew members

 A.3 I am a foreign national in the Philippines. Will my visa be cancelled?

NO - This temporary suspension has no impact on foreign nationals that are already in the Philippines. All aliens whose visas will expire during the duration of the enhanced community quarantine shall be allowed to file their applications for extension, provided they file their applications within thirty (30) days from the lifting of the enhanced community quarantine.

A.4 Will the embassy accept notary applications?


B. For those traveling to and from the Philippines

 B.1 Will I be allowed entry into the Philippines?

YES - However, upon arrival at Ports of entry, triage will be conducted for travelers who are coming from countries identified as having a high risk of COVID-19 importation into the Philippines: These include Republic of Korea, Singapore, Australia, People’s Republic of China, Malaysia, Japan, Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the United States of America.


Passengers coming from or who have transited through Iran and Italy in the last fourteen (14) days shall be required to present a medical certificate by competent medical authorities within the last 48 hours prior to arrival in the country certifying that they are COVID-19 free.


Exemptions: Filipino citizens, including their spouse and children, holders of permanent resident visa and holders of 9E Diplomat Visa. Foreign spouse and children should be traveling with the Filipino national and should bring valid proof of marriage or affiliation.

 B.2 Will I be allowed to transit to another country via Manila?

YES, provided that your flight has not been cancelled by the Civil Aeronautics Board or your airline.

 B.3 I am in Manila and I would like to depart to another country. Will I be allowed?

Foreigners and Filipinos living overseas, and overseas Filipino workers will be allowed to depart, provided that your flight has not been cancelled by the Civil Aeronautics Board or your airline.


Only one (1) person is allowed to bring a passenger to the airport. The driver shall carry with him or her a copy of the airline ticket of the passenger as proof.


Land, air and sea travel of uniformed personnel for official missions, especially those transporting medical supplies and laboratory specimens related to COVID-19, and those travelling for humanitarian assistance purposes, shall be allowed.


Given the evolving situation of COVID-19 both in the Philippines and Pakistan, these guidelines may change without prior notice. All are expected to keep updated with both Philippines and Pakistan government announcements.

You can get pertinent information on procedures and requirements, as well as download the forms for each type of service you require.  If your particular query is not covered in this section, please feel free to write us at islamabad.pe@dfa.gov.ph or isdpe@isb.comsats.net.pk for general questions.  For specific questions on any of the services please go to our Contact Us page for particulars to that Department.

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Philippine Embassy