Overseas Absentee Voting (OAV)



Certified List of Registered Overseas Voters
In connection with the 2019 Philippine National and Local Elections, the concerned public is hereby advised to:
  • Check if they are registered voters for the forthcoming election. Kindly check your names in the Certified List of Overseas Voters; and
  • Check if they have indicated the Philippine Embassy Islamabad as their address when they registered for overseas voting. In this case, mailing packets containing ballots and election paraphernalia can be picked up at the Philippine Embassy Islamabad.
Certified List of Registered Overseas Voters whose Mailing Packets were Returned by the Pakistan Post Officer and Post Master in Lahore and Karachi
Attached is the list of registered Overseas voters whose mailing packets containing ballots for the 2019 Philippine National and Local Elections were returned to the Embassy the Pakistan Post Officer and Post Master in Lahore and Karachi
Registered Voters whose names appear in the list have the option to pick up their mailing envelopes at the Embassy, or inform the Embassy of their new address through the Embassy’s Facebook account.

You can get pertinent information on procedures and requirements, as well as download the forms for each type of service you require.  If your particular query is not covered in this section, please feel free to write us at islamabad.pe@dfa.gov.ph or isdpe@isb.comsats.net.pk for general questions.  For specific questions on any of the services please go to our Contact Us page for particulars to that Department.

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Philippine Embassy